On this page you will find information on CORALMUNDI.
The past is a light, placed at the entrance of the future to brighten a part of the dark.
Samuel Gottlieb Bürde (1753 – 1831)
The Naming of CORALMUNDI
However did I get the idea to call my website CORALMUNDI? That’s very simple:
CORALMUNDI: CORinne + ALexy + MUNDI = Latin: Worlds
The same principle applies to the names of the sub-pages:
CORAL-IMAGO: CORinne + ALexy + IMAGO = Latin: Picture
CORALIBRI: CORinne + ALexy + LIBRI = Latin: Books (AL + LIBRI share one L in CORALIBRI)
CORAL-CAMENA: CORinne + ALexy + CAMENA = Latin: Poem, Poetry