Under CORALIBRI Books you will find my book programme and the range of Theme-Books of CORALIBRI Creative.
The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 – 1894)
The books can be purchased in bookstores. Until now, one book has been published.
Product Description
ISBN: 978-3-942354-00-4
Title: ANT JOKES ‘n’ more
Author: Corinne Alexy (texts and drawings)
Language: English
Publisher: CORALIBRI Verlag & Service
Description: Book. Softcover. Vertical format. Size approx.: 9x15cm. Pages: 479.
Contents: ANT JOKES ‘n’ more is a book in English language. It contains riddles, jokes, limericks and drawings all on the subject of ants. The idea for the topic originates from a story about the weekend-trip of a group of motor bikers, who call themselves "The Ants".
The very enjoyable riddles, jokes and limericks range from simply silly to utterly funny and are meant for adults with a slight tendency to foolishness.
Students of English may find it good reading that helps learn the language in an amusing way.
Price/pc.: EUR 9.98 (D) in bookstores.
Delivery: Available in bookstores.
If you wish learn more about this book, you will find all information necessary to get in touch with me on the "Contact" page.
Because of the possibility to personalize the theme-books of CORALIBRI Creative, each of the books is only drawn up, respectively processed and printed individually. This is why the Theme-Books cannot be purchased in bookstores.
Title: As desired
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English or German
Description: Book. Each of the following features according to specifications: hardcover or softcover, vertical format or landscape format, size, number of pages.
Contents: Quotes and poems on a subject of choice, in English or German language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
If you wish learn more about this Theme-Book, you will find all information necessary to get in touch with me on the "Contact" page.
Title: Timeframe. Reflections on the subject of time
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English
Description: Book. Hardcover or Softcover. Landscape format. Size approx.: 19x15cm.
Pages: 25.
Contents: Quotes and poems on the subject of time in English language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
On the first page of the book, an individual text and/or image can be integrated, as desired. This makes the book suitable for promotional purposes and as a personal present.
Title: Glimmer of Hope. Reflections on the subject of hope
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English
Description: Book. Hardcover or Softcover. Landscape format. Size approx.: 19x15cm.
Pages: 25.
Contents: Quotes and poems on the subject of hope in English language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
On the first page of the book, an individual text and/or image can be integrated, as desired. This makes the book suitable for promotional purposes and as a personal present.
Title: Circle of Friends. Reflections on the subject of friendship
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English
Description: Book. Hardcover or Softcover. Landscape format. Size approx.: 19x15cm.
Pages: 25.
Contents: Quotes and poems on the subject of friendship in English language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
On the first page of the book, an individual text and/or image can be integrated, as desired. This makes the book suitable for promotional purposes and as a personal present.
Title: Way of Life. Reflections on the subject of life
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English
Description: Book. Hardcover or Softcover. Landscape format. Size approx.: 19x15cm.
Pages: 25.
Contents: Quotes and poems on the subject of life in English language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
On the first page of the book, an individual text and/or image can be integrated, as desired. This makes the book suitable for promotional purposes and as a personal present.
Title: Bonds of Love. Reflections on the subject of love
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English
Description: Book. Hardcover or Softcover. Landscape format. Size approx.: 19x15cm.
Pages: 25.
Contents: Quotes and poems on the subject of love in English language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
On the first page of the book, an individual text and/or image can be integrated, as desired. This makes the book suitable for promotional purposes and as a personal present.
Title: Dream Worlds. Reflections on the subject of dreams
Author: Texts compiled by Corinne Alexy. The names of the single authors are noted beneath the respective texts.
Photographer: Corinne Alexy
Language: English
Description: Book. Hardcover or Softcover. Landscape format. Size approx.: 19x15cm.
Pages: 25.
Contents: Quotes and poems on the subject of dreams in English language, combined with atmospheric photographs.
On the first page of the book, an individual text and/or image can be integrated, as desired. This makes the book suitable for promotional purposes and as a personal present.
If you wish learn more about Theme-Books1B, you will find all information necessary to get in touch with me on the "Contact" page.
Please note: CORALIBRI Books is not an online-shop.